Top 5 Reasons To Visit Georgia


I came to Georgia for the first time on a holiday about six years ago. Back then I had no idea that one day I would call this gorgeous country home. Now, having lived in Georgia for over a year, I have seen both its boons and banes. Like anywhere else, it has faults. That being said, I can’t recommend visiting this beautiful country enough. The pros far outweigh any cons, especially for vacation! It’s easily in my top 5 favorite places out of the 42+ countries I have visited over the years. 

To begin with, it’s visa-free for up to a year for nearly everyone (you can find the comprehensive and extensive visa-free countries list here). But Georgia has so much more to offer than easy entry. It’s fresh and inexpensive, has delicious food and wine, locals are welcoming and friendly, the landscapes and offerings are diverse, and it has an incredibly rich history. Whether traveling solo or joining a tour, a visit to Georgia would not be amiss. 

Here are my top 5 reasons to visit Georgia:

  1. Georgia is still off the beaten path & relatively cheap

Georgia is still “off the beaten path” for many “Westerners” (i.e. Anglophones), including those in the U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as many Western Europeans. While Georgia has become more popular in recent years, it still hasn’t had a large tourism boom, helping the country maintain a strong sense of authenticity. And because of an unfortunately poor economy and low cost of living, Georgia is relatively cheap, especially for those coming from the U.S. or Western Europe. It’s not something I say happily, but it is a good reason to visit and coming from a poor part of the country, I can say that tourism money is welcomed. If you’re looking to visit somewhere that most of your friends haven’t heard of, Georgia is a great place to start. Outside of Tbilisi, you won’t find hordes of tourists and buses. A visit to Georgia is a guaranteed adventure!


  1. Georgia has delicious food & they even invented wine (!)

One of the main and most important attractions of Georgia is the food and wine. The most famous dishes are the various forms of Xatchapuri (baked cheese bread), Khinkali (soup dumplings traditionally filled with a pork-beef mince), Puri (bread baked in a clay underground oven), Shashlik (the Georgian take on barbecue), and Churchela (a string of nuts covered in a concentrated grape juice and flour mixture). But Georgian cuisine goes far beyond their heavier mainstays. 

The country has rich, fertile soil, giving us incredibly fresh, natural produce, fruits, and nuts. Nearly everything is naturally “free-range” “pasture-fed” and all the extra labels we pay more money for in the U.S. Egg yolks are creamy and vibrant orange, cheese is still homemade (thus often unpredictable, but still delicious and fresh), and their sunflower oil is created from actual sunflower seeds and goes excellently with salad. You won’t be disappointed by any meals here.

However, the most important feature of any Georgian feast is wine. Traditionally fermented in underground ceramic pots called “qvevri”, their winemaking tradition goes back 8,000 years (some argue longer). They were making “amber” and “orange” wines before it became fashionable. Nowadays, many producers use traditional European methods, but Georgia hosts more than 600 unique grape varietals making wine tasting here a unique experience you won’t find anywhere else. 

  1. Georgians are welcoming & friendly 

Georgians pride themselves on being friendly and hospitable, and you will likely find this to be true. It’s not uncommon to receive an invitation to a local’s home once you’re outside of Tbilisi, and refusing an offer is cause for offense. Once there, you will be offered snacks, homemade wine and/or chacha (i.e. Georgian moonshine), and possibly a full meal. Again, accepting is optional but it’s offensive to not at least enjoy a cup of coffee. 

That being said, as with any country this is not true of everyone, everywhere. Considering their recent history with the Soviet Union and Russia, when visiting Georgia bear in mind that some locals may view you with suspicion or as a potential customer. This isn’t something unique to Georgia and can be found in any country of struggling people, just use your best judgment and remember that this is quite rare… Most Georgians would take offense at this suggestion.

  1. Georgia is home to many diverse landscapes

Many travelers are familiar with the striped mountains of Peru, China, and even Arizona in the U.S., but did you know Georgia also has its own picturesque striped mountains? In fact, Georgia has a bit of everything, from craggy snow-capped cliffs, to lush valleys and canyons, tropical and alpine forests, and gushing rivers to waterfalls and sea. Georgia has literally every terrain imaginable. 

There’s a famous Georgian anecdote about its creation. When God (Georgia is a Christian Orthodox country) was dividing Earth’s land between the people of the world, the Georgians arrived late because they were busy feasting. God asked them “Why are you late?”. When they answered, God asked “And what were you drinking to?”. The Georgians replied, “To You!”. Pleased, God gave them his most prized parcel of land, which was, although small, the most beautiful and would be admired for eternity. 

This tale tells us not only about the beauty of Georgia, but a bit about Georgian pride. When looking at their beautiful country, I’d say that pride is vindicated. Whether you enjoy hiking, snowboarding, sipping wine in a vineyard, paragliding, lounging by the sea, or all of the above, it can be accomplished in this beautiful country.

  1. Georgia has a very rich history

Present-day Georgia has been occupied for the past 1.8 million years, containing the earliest evidence of humans in the world, aside from Africa. Neolithic occupation goes back to 6000-5000 BC, along with the first evidence of wine production. The rich history of Georgia has continued through the millennia and continues to unravel. You can visit cave sites and excavations, former palaces and monasteries, and see the influences of ancient Rome, Iran, Greece, and Russia in their art and cuisine. Even one of their most famous dishes, Khinkali, is a form of soup dumpling introduced by the Mongols. Whether your interest lies in prehistory, medieval tales, stories of religious conquests, or recent events there’s something for every history buff!

I could come up with even more reasons to visit Georgia, but these are my top 5. When searching for a unique adventure to a budget-friendly country with rich history, delicious food & wine, and friendly locals, look no further than Georgia. If you’re looking to join a group or plan a bespoke itinerary, Allie’s Acre Tours is here to help you Experience Georgia, but please contact me with any questions at I’m here to help!


  1. Nice summary, Alle! I wish all people who haven't yet visited Georgia - get inspired by your tips and do that cause it's really worth it

    1. ❤️🫂 me, too! 🇬🇪

  2. Such an insightful & informative post!


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